Instructional Designer

Shannon Wood Rothenberg

Shannon is a math genius, curriculum designer, dog foster mom, and proud CU grad. She'll even send you her thesis!

Shannon is a proud graduate of both CU Boulder (bachelor’s degree, summa cum laude) and CU Denver (master’s degree). If you’re itching to read her college honors thesis, entitled “Causation, Counterfactuals, and Possible Worlds,” she will giddily send you a pdf and then meet you for coffee.  
Before designing curriculum for Prenda, Shannon taught math and Gifted Education for ten years. Before that, she was a project manager for a residential architecture and urban design firm.
Besides all of that, Shannon has fostered dogs for local animal rescue groups, coached competitive math teams, and is the #1 fan of her college-aged twins. She used to perform improv regularly, but limited time and age have gotten the best of her.  Not necessarily in this order, she loves Bach concerti, solving algebra problems for fun, being bubbly yet cerebral, all things Viking, Old English, reading about archeology and genetics, and no-foam lattes.