Funding the microschool experience

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Prenda now offers 2 ways families can fund their child's attendance at a microschool!

1. Direct Pay
2. Empowerment Scholarships

Each independent microschool guide decides what kind of payment they will accept.

Let's explore the ins and outs of each of these options!

Direct Pay

Direct Pay means that parents pay "out of pocket" without assistance from state education dollars. While there is no support from the state, there are also no regulations or limitations to your experience.

Parents pay a yearly fee that is divided into monthly payments.

There are two portions to the fee.

1. The Prenda Fee

2. The Guide Fee

The Prenda Fee is consistent for every student. The Guide Fee will vary from microschool to microschool depending on guide experience and the specific programming they are offering.

Prenda and guides work diligently to keep costs low while providing our students an amazing experience!

This option is available in every state.

Empowerment Scholarships

"Empowerment Scholarship Accounts" (ESAs) are a form of state education funding where parents assume responsibility for providing all the educational experiences, materials, and services their student may need. These funds can be used to pay for homeschooling expenses, private school, or anything in between (like a microschool!).

You'll see ESA programs going by many different names across states. Still, the general idea is that parents apply for an account. The state deposits a certain percentage of what would have been spent by the family's neighborhood public school on that child. The funds are still regulated by the Department of Education, and expenditures made by families must meet certain criteria. However, the regulations are generous and flexible in the few states where ESAs have been established.

Families can spend the funds on religious education and flexible learning environments that meet the needs of their children. State testing requirements are also sometimes suspended.

ESA programs have only been passed in a handful of states but are growing in popularity nationwide. For a full report of where ESA programs are available and any limitations or requirements to access these funds, visit the EdChoice School Choice Map.

ESA funds allow families unable to access alternative education options to facilitate the learning experiences that best serve their children.

Similar to Direct Pay, there are two portions to the fee families pay:

1. The Prenda Fee

2. The Guide Fee

The Prenda Fee is consistent for every student. At the same time, the Guide Fee will vary from microschool to microschool depending on guide experience and the specific programming they are offering.

Each state's ESA funds vary widely from state to state, so while in some ESA states, the funds will cover the full amount, in others, there will likely be a portion that needs to be paid out of pocket.

If your state doesn't have an ESA program, reach out to your state representatives and tell them you want them to bring more school choice options to your state!

Interested in starting your own microschool?

Access our free 30-minute course: The Beginner's Guide to Microschooling.

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