
What if your teenager could excel in school and be happier and healthier, all by just getting more sleep? Lisa Lewis, parenting journalist, author, and advocate for adolescent sleep, joins Kaity & Adriane to explore the importance of sleep for teenagers' physical and mental well-being.

What to listen for:
• How sufficient sleep impacts teens' growth, learning, memory, and emotional regulation
• Practical advice for creating an optimal sleep environment, managing technology use, and establishing healthy sleep routines
• How the ongoing development of the prefrontal cortex in adolescents makes adequate sleep essential for executive functioning and impulse control
• Insights into the benefits of later school start times and the flexibility of microschools in supporting teens' natural sleep cycles
• How sleep deprivation affects sports performance, coordination, and injury risk

Tune in to uncover how understanding and addressing the factors that impact teens' sleep can help them thrive.

About the guest:
Lisa L. Lewis is the author of The Sleep-Deprived Teen: Why Our Teenagers Are So Tired and How Parents and Schools Can Help Them Thrive. Her book is an outgrowth of her previous work on the topic, including her role in helping get California’s landmark law on healthy school start times passed. Lewis has written for The Atlantic, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times, among others, and has appeared on the TODAY show, “On Point,” BBC World Radio, and local radio and TV in Los Angeles, San Francisco and elsewhere. She regularly presents to schools and other organizations about the essential role of sleep. A parent of two, Lisa lives in California with her family.

Connect with Lisa:

Mentioned in this episode:
Navigating the Teen Brain. A Conversation with Dr. Dean Burnett.
Building Healthy Brains. A Conversation with Ned Johnson.

For a full transcript of this episode, click here.